Last weekend my husband and I hosted a Christmas party and for dessert I wanted something extra special. Therefore I decided to make my very own Ferrero Rocher pyramid, from the iconic commercials seen on T.V. However instead of a pyramid a Christmas tree made more sense. To cut the cost, I used what I had on hand. I only purchased a Styrofoam cone (39in x 118in) from MIchaels and of coarse a bunch of chocolates.

Items I had on hand included, tape, scissors, toothpicks and skewers. I had some sparkly tissue paper that I felt went best, but you can use wrapping paper as well to cover the cone. Keep in mind the paper may be seen threw the chocolates so pick accordingly. I also had a bag of gift wrap bows. I picked two gold ones to go with the golden wrapper of the chocolates as my tree topper. You could also cut out a star from sparkly paper as well or whatever else you would like to use to top the tree. Once you have everything your ready to begin, start off with wrapping the cone and taping the bottom neatly. Leave some extra paper on top to fold over.

Once you have your cone wrapped it’s time to begin adding the chocolates one by one using your toothpicks. I used toothpicks for the bottom first row all away around to create a stable foundation. I insert one toothpick in the center of the chocolate then I take it out and insert it into the cone. I leave enough exposed toothpick to add the chocolate back on. Then I continue eyeballing the toothpick spaces along with the chocolates until I finish the first row. The toothpick is a great idea because your chocolates are guaranteed to stay secured. Just an F.Y.I. the glue that is used to stick the brown wrapper bottom to the golden wrapped Ferrero Rocher isn’t strong enough.

For the next row of chocolates I decided to use tape so that the process was faster. However as I mentioned above, I did have chocolates fall off after a day or two because of the glue used by the company. Therefore if I had to go back and do it all over again, I would just use toothpicks. It would be a tad more work but worth it in the end since you won’t have to glue on all the fallen chocolate balls. Which by the way I used my glue gun to stick the chocolates back on the tree. Toothpicks at this time would be impossible to insert with the chocolates all over the cone. I also placed the chocolates in a traditional brick layer as seen in the photo bellow. From there I continued row by row until I reached the top of the cone. You will encounter some gaps which is expected, just space the chocolates evenly around each row.

Once your done, you can finally add your tree topper. For this I used my two golden bows and one skewer. First I cut the skewer in half and then I took the pointy end and stuck it into the middle of the top of the cone. I then took the paper off the back of the bows to expose the sticky part and I aligned them together. I use tape to fasten the two bows further and also left some space in between to slide my star on the skewer.

Finally I placed my bow up top and viola, my Ferrero Rocher Christmas Tree was ready for dessert time. Of coarse you can have it out all night long for your guests to enjoy, or perhaps bring it as a gift to a party you’ve been invited to. As for me I wanted my Ferrero Rocher tree to have its own grand entrance. Who doesn’t love a good quality chocolate with layers and crunchy nuts? I know I can’t stop at one. This special treat is also perfect to prepare prior to your party. All and all it was fun to make and enjoyable to eat.